Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It could happen.

I was watching the show True Life and a gay guy hit on a straight girl so he could look straight. I just thought about what went through her mind when MTV played this episode and she saw it. I figured I'd just run with it. Enjoy!!

I went out to the club with my girls one weekend. I was feeling really good about Friday night! It was a rough week and everything that could have came up or went wrong, yeah, you guessed it! It happened. My friends and I promised ourselves that we would de-stress and have a great time!

So to celebrate the night, I put on that outfit I bought a couple weekends ago with my lunch money for next month (guilty pleasure, but it was so cute!!) I'm smelling good! I spritzed on some of my favorite perfume "The One" by Dolce. Yummy if I may say so myself!! Got the mani and pedi on Monday, so check that off the list. Just got the Benz (okay, Acura, with the heart of a Benz) washed after work, so I'm good to go! We are ready to cut up!!

We get in the club, of course it's packed, the D.J. is spinning all my favorite songs and I am feeling good. The more I dance, the less I remember about the stress at work. What can make the night even better?? Someone that actually looks decent is trying to holler! Um, no ring on his finger, he's not too tipsy and he doesn't smell like weed! Let's see how the convo is...

I must be putting off some positive vibes cuz he seems to be straight for what it's worth. We exchange numbers after some strained conversation by the bar. Let's face it: nobody really can hear each other that well, but thank goodness for Blackberrys!

So, the rest of my weekend was relaxing! I just cleaned up a bit, took a well-deserved and past due bubble bath, and blogged a little bit. But for some reason, I felt like i was forgetting something. I was talking to my baby cousin about my friday night out; that 17 year old has to live through someone!

As I was giving her blow by blow detail about the catfight that erupted in the bathroom, I then realized what was in the back of my head: the mysterious potential-date I exchanged numbers with! I am not one to call a man first! Call me crazy if you want, but the way I figure, some guys just collect numbers for an ego boost. Plus he asked me for my number so if he's interested like he implied, he'll call. So I put it out of my mind.

About a couple months go by and I am sitting lazily on my couch watching MTV. I am a reality TV junkie by the way! Love it! I've seen almost every episode of the good ones and I'm saving Flavor of Love 15 for my desperate moments lol! I have standards! But not too many! I am actually kind of shocked that I missed an episode of Real Life, you know the reality show that chronicles a certain aspect of young Americans lives. A couple of my favorites are "I Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" and "I'm Happy to be Fat". Random, I know, but enjoyable none the less.

This episode, "I Live A Double Life", it's good so far. That Anna Nicole Smith impersonator is uncanny! She does look and act like Anna Nicole. Well, I guess that isn't REALLY a big feat lol!! Oh, goodie! Commercial is on, and I have the munchies! Let me go get some ice cream! By the way I've got great news for all you Lactose Intolerant peoples like me. Breyer's makes Lactose-free ice cream! Yay! but it's only in Vanilla. Boo.

So back to the show. As I sit down to satisfy my reality fix I see a guy on the show that looks awfully familiar! He's in his living room with his best friend that happens to be a girl. I have no clue what his secret life is YET, but he sounds gay. Maybe he's secretly a gay porn star! But who is he and why does he look so familiar! he is cute... CUTE! Oh, and he has a beautiful smile! OMG! That smile! That's that dude from the club!!!

He's gay? And his double life is that he acts straight??!! OMG why the fcuk did he ask for my number? Ih, I guess to act like he's not gay around his friends. I cannot believe this! I feel like telling everyone just to embarass him, but he's already on TV... uuugh! I don't even wannna talk to my girl about this, cuz what type of girl gets hit on by the gay guy! Fcuking asshole! It's not even that serious!


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